Friday, June 3, 2011

S.H.M.I.L.Y Challenge Day 3–His Finances

Finances.   It is a though subject.   Every month there is something to pay – mortgage, bills, electricity, etc.    You see where I am going right?   Being a contractor, my husband has to plan for months where there isn’t as much work as other months in the year.   I like the analogy of the author when she says that the nature of her husband business is “feast or famine” wit regard to when and how much money comes in.   It is so much like us I find.    But we quickly realized that God does indeed provide for our needs in ways we can’t even imagine.

I could tell numerous stories of how God has provided for us since we are together.   My husband and I were to be married on June 6th 1998.    Rob had completed a contract back in November 1997.   But due to the fact that December is almost dead for new contracts, he had to wait for the month of January before getting calls.   Calls started to come in back in January 1998 but then the ice storm hit… Government buildings were shut down and it took another four weeks for him to get calls again.   It was a stressful time as we knew our wedding was 6 months away.   But we had to trust that God will provide and He did. 

Another time, we had put some money away for the taxes.   One evening we sat down to see how much taxes we would have to pay that year.   Well we had a big surprise that it wasn’t as much as we first initially thought.   It had been a tough year previously and we just didn’t know how we would go through it.  God provided again.  

We never had a surprised cheque in the mail like others might have experience, but we have seen God’s faithfulness on the subject of finances many times throughout the years.  We have learned (and still are learning) that He will provide for our needs not necessarily our wants.  It is a bit like Wal-Mart like we learned last week at church…  The pastor was saying that when you go to Wal-Mart you won’t necessarily find what you want but you will find what you need.    It might not be the brand you want but another brand will do the job just as good.    God is a bit like Wal-Mart.   He will provide for our needs.  Plain and simple.   Isn’t it interesting?

Lord, I commit once again our finances to You.   Be in charge of them and use them for Your purposes.   May You give us wisdom so we become good stewards of all that You give us and walk in agreement as to how it should be spent.   Help us to learn to live free of debt.  Give us guidance on a daily basis on how to handle our finances.  Show me how I can help increase our finances and not depleted it.   Thank you for  the opportunity of writing regularly for Woodall’s as well as Homeschooling Horizons.   I pray that Rob will continue to seek and trust You when it comes to contracts, the business decisions and finances.    Give him (and me for that matter) the wisdom to handle money wisely.   Show him how to plan for the future.  Help us to find a balance between spending needlessly and being miserly.   May he is paid according to his worth.  Protect him against theft including identity theft.  Finally I pray that he won’t be anxious about finances, but will seek You first knowing that as he does so we will have all we need for our family.  Amen.

Luke 12:29-31

And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.  For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.  But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

Philippians 4:19

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Tomorrow the book will cover the sexuality of the husband.

Read the post on Dandelion Seeds.

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